from disease to desired reality

the live monthly workshop

class begins July 10th!

here’s the thing (a BIG thing that we are NOT taught in school)…

the world HAS to be in balance, so for as much negative health issues we’ve experienced, there HAS to be another experience for us that is the complete opposite

Not only that, but the soul has a specific intention & purpose for every thing that it experiences. There are no coincidences. When we can understand the purpose of these obstacles & the reason they are still standing in our way, we can move through them on a direct, clear path.

learn the formula’s to take you from disease to desired reality

  • set yourself free from mental & physical symptoms by addressing energetic & emotional causes

  • the science behind creation & deconstruction of illness

  • decoding the language & communication of the mind & body

  • use neuroscience to program the mind to function in a new state of being & new baseline

  • healing past trauma’s keeping the mind & body imbalanced

  • shake medical & symptom PTSD

  • removing heavy energy from the body

  • change your identity from sick to thriving

  • mastery over thoughts & emotions

  • energy healings, protections & cellular upgrades

  • Source channeled guidance + more

I went from bedridden with disease to fully healed & living in my desired reality

Here’s my story:

In 2020 I became incredibly sick overnight. I mean SICK sick with what ended up being over thirteen diagnosed chronic illnesses/diseases & over time expressed in the form of hundreds of different physical, mental & emotional symptoms.

After a lot of gaslighting through the modern medical system, I was forced to begin to rely on my own intuition for guidance to get me out of it. I had tried all the supplements, biohacking, and treatments you can think of (both holistic and western). I was even on such unsafe and also highly addictive doses of various medications that it wasn’t uncommon for the pharmacist to decline giving them to me.

But even the more natural route; the IV cocktails, the supplements, the sauna’s, the lymphatic drainage… that wasn’t getting me there either.

Once I started to understand my intuition (that we all can access and tap into), the spiritual science of how energy, neuroscience & the body TRULY works, I was able to reverse everything I was sitting in and keep it gone.

Here’s the thing that allowed me to make this massive shift at an insanely fast rate… it was my approach. I stopped chasing everything outside of me, and tapped into intuitive guidance, reprogramming of the mind, addressing trauma, and using Source channeled, energetic information & tools that actually work.

I used to chase anything out of fear and desperation, but all that was doing was pushing me further away from the true root of the problem, and any chance at truly keeping it all away for good.

Everything in our world (including symptoms) has a root cause to it that is actually internal, emotional & energetic. Nothing is random, unfixable, or β€œjust how it is”.

Now did I go on and blame myself for the creation of this physical reality I was sitting in? Definitely not. However, it made me feel insanely powerful. It showed me that we all get to take back control and use these tools to shift out of what we don’t really desire.

I’ve now created a full time brand and business helping others do this same thing for themselves…

and these ways of healing don’t apply to just me

see what client Gabby has done…

β€œKayla has been such a blessing in my life. After unknowingly suffering with chronic Lyme disease for nearly 10 years, I randomly came across Kayla on a podcast. After working one on one with Kayla for only 2 months I have almost completely healed the Lyme Disease I was experiencing + 2 co-infections, parasites, MCAS and lifelong anxiety and depression. Her guuidance and insight has been invaluable in helping me to completely change my life. She helped me to intuitively choose the right physical treatment while also diving deep into the energetic root cause of my illness and symptoms. Kayla was able to give me concrete tools to help me shift energetically and the results I have experienced have been incredible, Not only have I cleared the parasites completely and gotten my Lyme and co-infections down from a 9/10 infection level to a 2/10, I have been able to come off both of my MCAS medications cold tukey and have decided to discontinue talk therapy with someone I have been working with for almost 20 years. I feel happier and freer than I ever have in my life and feel so excited to continue to learn and grow on my soul aligned path using my own intuition and everything I have learned from Kayla. She is a true earth angel and I am forever grateful to have been guided to her and her work.β€œ

symptoms client’s (& myself) have now healed

  • memory loss

  • joint pain

  • suicidal thoughts / ideation

  • chronic fatigue

  • depression

  • panic attacks

  • brain fog

  • anxiety

  • depersonalization

  • derealization

  • muscle spasms

  • lymph pain / blockage

  • chronic migraines

  • cystic acne

  • muscle & bone pain

  • mood swings

  • heart palpitations

  • struggling to breath

  • insomnia

  • food intolerances

  • allergies

  • hair loss

    and these are just to name a few

But don’t just take it from me. Hear student Amanda’s story on what Doctor’s have told her and where she is now after doing this work

what is the health lab?

I designed the health lab to give you continued support with all the most advanced healing tools.. because healing is a long game, the support should also be long term.

I wanted to give you a space to connect with others who are going through similar things as you for support, as well as monthly live access to me in a workshop setting so you continue to make progress toward your ultimate goal every single month!

how this works:

The Health Lab is a monthly subscription to access our monthly LIVE workshops and community.

After our first meeting on July 10th, we meet the first Wednesday of every month.

(you can cancel at anytime, but we’re sure you’ll love the environment, learning & growth we’ve created in the lab!)

what you’ll access:

community so you never feel alone on your journey

tools you can take with you for the rest of your life to heal & stay there

continued support monthly by Kayla via LIVE 1-1.5 hr workshops

FIRST access & pre-sale prices for other programs and courses that Kayla releases

FIRST access to brand new advanced tools

PS: seats are CAPPED at a small group every month & then a waitlist will open up for when someone releases their seat & one becomes available.


monthly membership ($155/month)

6 month commitment ($855 - 8% savings!)

12 month commitment ($1,637 - 12% savings!)


  • We know you're going to love the environment, learning & true growth we've created in The Lab. However, if you do decide to cancel, you can do this at anytime in your Kajabi portal or by emailing Please email at least 48 hours before your next billing date to ensure that you don't get charged.

  • This is a monthly subscription that will give you access to the monthly Lab workshop and to The Health Lab's community.

    You will be billed monthly for as long as you'd like to stay enrolled and attending The Lab and it's community.

  • All live workshops will be recorded and sent out to you each week so you'll have life time access to catch up and re-watch!

  • We can't guarantee when spots will be available, as this is capped at a small group. However, there is opportunity to join at any time for the next Live Lab workshop as long as seats remain available!

  • Kayla is always upgrading to more advanced tools and lessons so there is always room to learn much, much more! The lesson of each month will be channeled specifically for the exact group and what they need most at that time, so it will be individualized for you and the group.