work 1:1 with Kayla
Intuitive Read & Energetic Healing
Duration - 1 hour & 15 minutes
These sessions are dedicated to creating profound energetic transformations and life changes. Kayla will channel and provide personalized intuitive information to provide clarity and direction, identifying any barriers preventing you from reaching your life goals & feeling good.
In these sessions, Kayla will cover the areas of life that are most important for you and your soul growth right now such as: career, relationships, self image, health, finances, & anything else you’d like to be covered.
These sessions will include intuitive guidance, trauma work, energetic shifting tools, subconscious reprogramming, neurolinguistic programing (NLP), and a combination of personalized energy healings such as: chakra healing, energetic recoveries, removal of dark energy, cord removals & more!
Intuitive Read & Energetic Healing: Full Health Analysis
Duration - 1 hour & 15 minutes
These health analysis sessions are similar to the classic healing sessions, but with an intensive focus on your health specifically. Kayla will channel and gain clarity on your health situation & get intuitive information on what is going on for you, as well as how to shift through it.
This will include diving deep into emotional & physical causes for what is going on, the energetic & emotional tools to get desired results the quickest & anything else that can help you access your healthiest self possible.
Kayla will also dive deep into the physical side of health (if intuitively needed) such as: treatment modalities best for you to explore, diet, exercise, supplements, etc.
These sessions will include intuitive guidance, trauma work, energetic shifting tools, subconscious reprogramming, neurolinguistic programing (NLP), and a combination of personalized energy healings such as: chakra healing, energetic recoveries, removal of dark energy, cord removals & more!
All sessions are catered for your specific healing needs