
In Kayla’s Private Mentorship program, you’ll be able to work intensively together to access your highest timeline in every area of your life. Mentorship is intended to bring a total transformation to your life.

Does this sound like you?

  • You know you want more in this life but you’re confused and not sure what steps to take to get there

  • You’re unhappy and unfulfilled with where you’re currently at in life, and you’re craving a complete life transformation

  • You feel stuck in unhappy relationships, careers, and cycles that leave you constantly feeling burnt out

  • You’re experiencing chronic symptoms that are stopping you from living the free life you desire

  • You want to work through trauma and have tried many therapies without seeing any results

  • You are highly intuitive and desire to learn how to use it to work for you in your favor

I have completely transformed my life…

I have completely transformed my life by using the techniques I used to design this program…

I spent my whole life chronically depressed, anxious, confused and seeking purpose. It wasn’t until I became chronically ill with multiple illnesses and hundreds of symptoms that I turned to healing using an internal and energetic approach in conjunction with my intuition.

Everything is energy, and everything in our external reality begins on an internal level. How I work is by focusing on the energetic and emotional aspect to then create the physical reality we desire.

I have taken what I’ve learned from many mentors, courses, intuition, life experiences, healings & source to create this intensive program to fast track your success like I did my own.

This is an intensive program designed for those who are willing to put in the work as well as see this as an investment in themselves.

Tools channeled for you in this program

I’ve created this program to help you get where you want to go even faster than I have!

studies show that having a mentor is proven to boost your success & get you where you want to go faster

I’ll never forget when I invested in my first mentor… it completely changed & fast tracked my whole life.

Fast forward to now.. working with mentors has helped me take what could have taken many years & a lot of struggle to to shiftand do it in only a few short years.

Mentorship is a partnership. It requires work on both ends.. and these tools and shifts done within the program are intended to stay with you & help you for life.

What Mentorship Students Are Saying

  • “I am a proud Mentorship Student of Kayla’s. Her program has been incredibly transformative. My gratitude runs deep for the changes she helped me implement in my life. She’s extremely gifted, thoughtful and talented, and uses her skills to personalize and tailor each session to your individual personal goals. Before I began working with Kayla, I was feeling very lost, like I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. When her Mentorship Program opened up, I knew it was a sign, and it felt like it was exactly what I needed. It went far beyond my expectations. I began feeling a shift in my life. I not only grew, but healed in many ways that I wasn’t even expecting. I had clarity for the first time in years, I had purpose, healed deep wounds, and found peace within myself. I highly recommend Kayla and her Mentorship Program, it will transform your life for the better. Working with Kayla will impact you in ways you never imagined.”

    - Laura, Mentorship Student

  • “During my time with Kayla, I had massive transformation in my relationships, work, mental health, and life in general. Kayla has a wonderful energy about her. It is so apparent upon first speaking that she knows what she’s talking about. Not only am I inspired by her wonderful story of how she healed herself, I am inspired by her drive to help others. While working one on one, we healed childhood trauma, my relationship with myself, my relationship with work, and all types of other internal things that completely changed my outer reality. None of these things I ever thought I would be able to move past so quickly. I am so grateful for her and her time. Immediately after our first session I felt massive transformation. Kayla has the ability to help you quantum leap and completely turn your life around. I can confidently say that deciding to invest in myself and put effort into healing has been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.”

    - Carol, Mentorship Student

  • "If you are looking to take your healing to the next level then you are in the right spot! Kayla uses her intuitive gifts to guide you to discover your innate potential and uncover the roadblocks preventing you from living the life you desire. In a few short weeks I was able to re-wire years of patterning that was keeping me stuck in a fight or flight state and perpetuating illness in my body. I'm so grateful to have worked with Kayla and experienced this transformation! I know she will continue to help so many others with this work. "

    - Dana, Mentorship Student

Mentorship is a personal investment that gains you access to Kayla in a more intimate and private setting. You also gain access to any program, course and membership that she has available while you’re enrolled.

Private mentorship is for those who are serious about shifting, growing, taking responsibility for their lives & willing to go “all in” on investing in themselves.

This is for you if:

● You’re ready to dive deeper into inner healing and spiritual work

● You want to take complete control and create your own desired reality, even if it means taking a non traditional, less “logical” approach

● You’re feeling called to hone in on and master your own intuitive gifts

● You know you are meant for more in this life, and are ready to work through limiting beliefs and re-wire your subconscious brain in all areas of life

● You are willing to do whatever it takes to find true purpose, fulfillment & happiness in your everyday life

● You are ready & willing to financially invest in yourself


Monthly Mentorship Includes:

  • 2 private 1:1 sessions together

  • working privately & intensively with Kayla to access a deep transformation

  • texting with Kayla in between sessions

  • access to all of Kayla’s courses, programs & content (even retired courses)

  • access to anything new Kayla releases while you’re enrolled

TO APPLY: please fill out the application below and Kayla & her team will get back to you shortly!